Monday, February 06, 2006

It's Finally Here!

I've been waiting for this. It's got 5 blades! And another one on the back of the razor! I've got to get me one of those. I guess I follow new razors the way some guys follow the models of their favorite cars. I yearn for razor advancements the way some guys yearn for the latest in Golf technology or the way JP anticipates the latest, greatest Frisbee. (Is it possible to improve the Frisbee?) Someday, I'll have a razor with 50 blades on it. Shaving will take about 30 seconds. And my head will be as smooth as a marble countertop.


DLS said...

About the time it hits 10 blades, MD and I will be ready to join the clean-shaven few. Call me when that happens.

My verification word spells Why Goofy. Not sure if that is a condemnation on my response or on the original post.

Seamhead said...

do you steal and play with Daniel's disc?

Seamhead said...

You know, I can't wait to buy my daughters a PS3. I think they will enjoy watching me, ummm, I mean, they will enjoy playing with it.