Saturday, August 11, 2007

Another Important Story

Folks, Global Warming isn't a liberal scare tactic. If you ignore the corporate shills, you'll find the consensus as universal as is possible in the scientific community.


RWP said...
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RWP said...

If you think global warming is scary, you should read about peak oil production, the dwindling oil reserves worldwide, and the ramifications (of the loss of this energy source)for industrialized society. I believe this is the real reason we are in Iraq - to attempt to gain access to the relatively scant oil/fossil fuel left in the ground. After these disappear or even drastically decrease, it could get ugly. You won't hear anyone in Washington talking about it either because reality won't get anyone elected.

RWP said...

I should have said "the relatively scant easily accessible and refinable (and therefore profitable)oil/fossil fuel left in the ground".