Friday, September 08, 2006

The Stories

Misti's comment on the last post prodded me to post this link. It is a link to an NPR project called StoryCorps. Not only are there stories from 9/11 families, but there are stories from Katrina victims and stories about the trials and tribulations of ordinary Americans.

Misti is right about these stories. They are more important than a movie casting blame. They make us realize how important it is to look at these events with an unjaundiced eye. When the politicians err, real people pay the price.

Interestingly, ABC has issue a statement about the movie in response to the criticism. It says the movie is not a documentary, but a docudrama with fictionalized scenes. Is there any good reason to produce a movie about 9/11 with fictionalized scenes? I think Misti is right about this movie. I'll be doing myself a big favor if I don't watch it.

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