Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Media Intimidation

Newsweek Magazine retracted a story about the mistreatment of the Holy Koran this week. Or, rather, they were intimidated into retracting the story by the Bush Administration. The story is probably true. It's been widely reported in the New York Times, Washington Post, ABC News, the Seattle Times, the Houston Chronicle, and others.

The Pentagon claims it investigated and found nothing. They must not have read any earlier inquiries or interviewed any of the released (i.e. innocent) prisoners.

This is plain and simple media intimidation. The kind that undermines democracy as most Americans envision it. Check out the Rude Man for more citations and a more profane take.


Seamhead said...

The Rude Pundit is definitely one of my favorites.

The real horror here is that the situation will turn out like Rathergate. The Administration will get a free pass on allegations that have substance because of the appearance of impropriety. Much like the Rather memos there is no info here that cannot be corroborated through other sources.

RWP said...

In "Pentagon Denies Desecration of Koran" in the Washington Post today, the defense dept spokesperson says the Koran may have been "inadvertantly mishandled" (I hope they don't inadvertantly mishandle any multimillion dollar weapons - missles, jetfighters, helicopters, etc. !) but states their policy is to handle such religious items with utmost respect (I guess this doesn't apply to the prisoners themselves, however). He goes on to describe detainees flushing pages of the Koran down the toilet in an attempt to stop them up, false claims by detainees attempting to stir up trouble, etc.. It all sounds like elementary school, playground fingerpointing to me: "Tommy put a booger on me!" "No, I didn't!" Usually the truth lies somewhere in between and this stupid shit could be avoided if these individuals were given the same rights that American citizens accused of crimes are afforded under the constitution (and that basic morality dictates). To imprison people for suspicion of something or other and to deny them legal representation and due process is just plain wrong. If I were in their shoes, I'd be doing everthing I could to get out and to help others get out. What a fiasco! Rather ironical given the location of the base.

RWP said...

An anonymous pentagon official has informed me that this is all SEAMHEAD'S fault. He was in Desert Storm and failed to remove Saddam Hussein from power (at a time when there was justifiable cause in the eyes of most countries and the UN). His lack of initiative has resulted in the bombing of the world trade center, the current crisis in Iraq, sky-rocketing oil and gas prices, homeland security abuses, detainee abuse, etc.. Damn it, seamhead.

Seamhead said...

Your anonymous source neglected to inform you that I am also responsible the Steroid scandal, the Enron scandal, the blackouts in Southern California, and the runaway bride. I am innocent of the Jacko and O. J. debacles, though.

I have done some good though. If it weren't for people like me, the golf club companies wouldn't make drivers with giant heads.

DLS said...

And funny...the driver with the big head doesn't really help your game. Next, you'll be carrying irons the size of snow shovels and a putter that looks like a polo mallet.

Andy B. said...

What is completely mind boggling is the Bush administration's gripe about Newsweek. They say that the magazine is irresponsible for printing a story based on faulty information, particularly since is led to the loss of life.

All Newsweek did was print a story in a magazine - Bush WENT TO WAR based on faulty information. Why in God's name do people still support this man?

Andy B.

PS - As far as the intelligence of people, I have always believed that people are not born good or bad, we are born morons. We spend our lives trying to overcome our own moronity.

Seamhead said...

To overcome your moronity you must first embrace it. Then beat the crap out of it when it's not expecting it.

Most people just keep on embracing their moronity, cuddling with it and nurturing it.

RWP said...

The Senate Intelligence Committee is working on a bill to renew and expand the USA Patriot Act. Yippee! Those terrorists are out there plotting; just waiting for the right time to get us!

Frightened and grateful United States citizen

DLS said...

I avoid mental images of Seamhead with a bulldozer for some reason...

Moronity...I have heard of minority, majority, sorority, but this is the first time I've been blessed with this word. I looked it up...the Columbian Electronic Encyclopedia said 'see mental retardation'. Interesting comparison.