Thursday, April 07, 2005

Without Delay

I don't usually like to post so quickly after others have posted, but this is an important one. I want to make something clear about what we've learned about Tom Delay over the past week. He was getting money from foreign agents. He was taking trips paid for by foreign agents.

Now, the trip he took in 1997 was financed by Russian foreign agents. Hmm, 1997. That's a little weird. Oh yeah!. That's when he told President Clinton that he would support a resolution to bomb Serbia, and then he marshaled his forces to defeat the resolution.

So, he was taking money from foreign agents who supported Slobodan Milosevic when he undermined the resolution in Congress. I thought that he just hated Clinton so much he'd rather support a mass murderer. I may have been wrong, but the truth may be much worse.

1 comment:

Seamhead said...

He was taking the money and putting into his campaigns. I didn't say anything about stringing him up, but for damned sure this guy should not be a member of the house of representatives.

His denials are not even denials. He just says they spreading sleaze about him.

This guy is dirty and there's tons of evidence. You can deny it all you want. The reality will catch up to you.

If you use this same standard of evidence for President Clinton, you'll find he was the he was an angel.