Friday, February 11, 2005

Blog Daddy Speaks

Blog Daddy has been counseled. A certain member suggests he think through the blog's intentions and reconsider previously stated positions. Today Blog Daddy will take this advice. He will retreat to green pastures where spring-like breezes will caress him. He will use funny sticks to send a dimpled ball shooting down these pastures. He will be filled with joy when the ball is not imparted with the dreadful side spin. He will be filled with despair when the dimpled sphere bends toward the tree line.

And he will think.

But he won't be thinking about the blog's intentions. Not at all. He will be thinking about how the impudent one is toiling away in his little office while Blog Daddy basks in the early spring sun. Yes, he will think deeply.

1 comment:

Seamhead said...

Jason is drunk. He was not the individual Blog Daddy was referring to. Obviously, he will be playing with Blog Daddy. Or more correctly, Blog Daddy will be pounding him senseless.

Tune in tomorrow for the results. Find out how Blog Daddy has a Lazy Boy and Big Screen inside Jason's head.