Thursday, February 03, 2005

Newest Member of the Blog Team!

I'd like to announce the newest member of the blog team. He posted last night for the first time. He flagrantly flouts the strict grooming standards that the rest of the team adheres to, but since the rest of the team is just me, we decided to let him on board anyway.

His focus will be science, politics, his lovely kids (Abby and Alexis), his lovely wife, NASCAR, and the lack of competence in my golf game. He will be focused like a laser on all kinds of different things.

If you find his posts insulting, go hit a bucket of balls. And then sign up to blog against him.

We will probably relax the grooming standards since we've already had to make an exception. But we still prefer Bald Guys.

Anyway, what was I doing? Oh yeah, introducing the new guy.

Here he is ladies and gentleman, The Great and Powerful Myron!!!!


Guy Hutchinson said...

Iteresting site. Lots of good writing.

Anonymous said...

Actually...politics might be a topic I would've discusses months'm burnt out. Last night the state of the union was on. Did I watch it? NO!!!! Why? Why should I? I watched it a couple years ago when our president made his case for going to war and it all turned out to be lies. How do I know that anything else he says is any different. I glad Iraq had elections? Yes. But don't change the reasons for going to war after the fact and then virtually say, "I told you so"

...see, I don't want to talk politics

Anonymous said...

sorry...the previous post was by MDAW. I posted anonymously since I was at work and forgot my password. I forgot to sign it.

Seamhead said...

I'm with you there MD. I couldn't bring myself to watch that crapfest last night. I think they finally found the WMD. They were in the Social Security Trust Fund all the time.

DLS said...

As much as I agree that we need to fix Social Security (and I've been saying this for many, many years), I'm a little concerned that it is W that is pushing for a change. If he "fixes" Social Security, where is he going to borrow the money to continue to fund his war in Iraq? Unless by the word 'fix', he means something else.